Vein varicosities, also known as varicose veins are a vascular condition that generally affects the veins in the thighs, legs, and calves. These damaged veins tend to have a bluish, purplish, and mangled appearance. Varicosities are common in individuals with a family history of vascular issues, certain health risk factors, and lifestyles.
Usually, varicosities in the lower extremities are no cause for alarm. However, some people may experience pain, swelling, and discomfort in addition to cosmetic concerns that lead them to seek treatment for varicose veins.
To ensure Alliance Vascular Institute patients have a successful outcome, we offer the following suggestions on how to prepare for varicose veins surgery. Before providing treatment recommendations, the surgeon will review the patient’s health history and the size, location, and type of varicosities present.
Surgical options include:
Endovenous ablation involves t
he use of laser technology administered through a tiny catheter to heat damaged and collapse dama
ged veins.
Sclerotherapy shrinks damaged veins, so they become smaller and less noticeable. In mos
t cases, they gradually disappear. Treatment is administered with an injection of a special solution into the
varicosities. This surgical procedure is highly effective on varicosities that are located deep wit
hin the skin. A special ultrasound device is also used to ensure optimal results.
omy involves the removal of large superficial veins via small incisions.
Additional preparation guidelines may be provided depending on the type of surgery needed.
One Week Before Varicose Veins Surgery
- Review all current medications, supplements, and herbal remedies, and medical and health history with the care team. If you require specific medications for daily health maintenance, let us know. Considerations and alternative recommendations can be made to minimize any disruption to your overall health needs.
- Patients planning to undergo ablation surgery may be prescribed blood thinners or anti-inflammatory medications to further reduce the risk of complications on the day of their surgery.
- Increase hydration and maintain a healthy diet. One of the best defenses against complications and side effects is immunity. Making the necessary adjustments to your daily dietary needs enhances your body’s ability to heal, leading to a faster recovery.
- Get adequate rest. Overexerting yourself before surgery can lead to unnecessary stress and complications that can impair your ability to tolerate and heal from varicose veins treatment.
- Inform your employer and family of your upcoming surgery. Now is the time to adjust your schedule for your post-operative and recovery needs.
On the Day of Varicose Veins Surgery
- Do not consume or drink anything a few hours before the procedure. Avoid caffeinated drinks.
Patients are allowed to take prescribed medications as instructed with a sip of water at least one hour or as advised before arriving at the surgery center.
- Do not wear makeup, lotion, or perfume on the day of surgery.
- Avoid exfoliating and shaving your legs or using any hair removal treatments.
- Dress in comfortable, loose clothing.
- Leave all valuables, jewelry, and contact lenses at home.
- Arrive at least a half-hour earlier than your scheduled procedure to allow for sufficient time to complete any outstanding admission and insurance paperwork.
- Inform medical staff of any dental prosthetics or removable oral devices you may have, such as dentures, bridges, etc.
- Bring compression stockings or pants to wear after surgery. Immediately after surgery, you’ll need to wear compression garments for at least two weeks to minimize swelling. Compression garments help support the veins in your legs to reduce the risk of treatment failure and other complications.
- Bring a trusted, designated driver with you who can remain onsite during the entire procedure. Or arrange for a transport service to pick you up and take you home. Driving is ill-advised after treatment.
- Driving activities may be resumed when the patient feels safe and comfortable enough to do so. The surgeon will go over all driving considerations before discharge and during the follow-up appointment.
- Avoid strenuous activities for at least two weeks. Medical clearance may be given sooner, depending on the patient’s recovery progress.
Remember, preparation for varicose veins surgery is highly dependent on the procedure. Though each of these procedures is minimally invasive and virtually pain-free, they can be stressful. Proper adherence to all postoperative instructions is also necessary to avoid rare, but potentially serious complications. In most cases, patients can resume many of their normal activities on the same day, shortly after their procedures.
To learn more about varicose veins surgery, and things you can do to prepare or improve your recovery, contact the Alliance Vascular Institute at (661) 480-5956.